Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Registration Fair - Thursday, August 18 - 3:00 - 7:00pm

August 16, 2011
Dear Families,
I hope that the summer has been a refreshing distraction to the pace of the school year.  Next week I'll be posting a letter with information that responds to many questions, in the meantime let me share some thoughts about the Registration Fair this Thursday.
Registration Fair is a drop-in event that will inform you about what is available that you might otherwise overlook.  You will be able to ask questions and gain clarification.
ONLINE information was sent via email and is posted on the High School homepage.  We are trying to maximize our budget and reduce our impact on the environment and therefore will not be mailing the packets this year.  Please preview the information packets, print off required forms and sign with your child; drop them off at the event anytime between 3:00 and 7:00 pm.
See what's offered; we have a new Mandarin Chinese Class, and a new Japanese Teacher. Robotics will be there to answer questions.  First Student, our bus company, will be present to share information about routes and stop times.  Be sure to stop by the PTC table to see what our parent organization is all about and how you can be involed.
Athletics Paperwork; Athletic Director Rob Pridemore will be available to talk all things athletic.  The athletic forms must be complete before the first practice.
The registration process has been streamlined to save you time.  It is designed to give us a head start on the collection of information (forms), and signatures that are required to ensure we are best prepared for a smooth transition from summer to the school year.
For those of you who are unable to attend the Registration Fair, no worries, we realize this is late notice. Registration packets are sent electronically this year and will not be mailed (you should have received the links). Please review the materials, fill out your forms, sign your signature pages and bring in the documents to the school office as soon as you are able. We look forward to seeing you!
Best Regards,
Paula Robinson

Friday, August 12, 2011


Dear Riverdale Families and Students: 

It is exciting to be returning for another dynamic school year!  I look forward to meeting some of you and reconnecting with others during the first few days of this new year.    Families are of great importance to our school community.  I look forward to working together to build your student’s success in life.  Please feel comfortable approaching me in person and/or via email.  We have a great year ahead!

We encourage students to consider joining a fall sport to get to know new peers and represent our school. Sports sign up is August 18th, 3:00 to 7:00 pm (Registration Fair).
If you have any questions or need more information, please call or email us:  503-262-4844 (please note the new school number).

Summer is drawing to a close and with it new beginnings are in sight.  As we prepare for a new school year, please note the information below that will support a smooth transition from summer break.

With warm regards,
Paula Robinson,
RHS Principal
District Registration Fair/Athletics Sign Ups
August 18, 2011 @ 3:00-7:00 pm

This will be our first Registration Fair.  Registration materials will not be mailed this year.  You will be receiving a District email on Monday, August 15th with instructions for printing and/or downloading the materials, as well as information on what to do if you are unable to attend.

You will want to attend the District Registration Fair/Athletics sign-up to turn in your registration materials, meet our food service providers, receive locker assignments, athletic clearance and sign-ups, etc.  

Food Service:

We are happy to welcome Jordan, Mike and Barry Massinger of Xpress Catering, as our food service providers and managers of The Maverick CafĂ©.   Plan to meet them at the Registration Fair, August 18.

The Maverick Cafe
Barry Massinger 503-983-5100
Jordan Massinger 503-550-7519
Check out "The Maverick Cafe":
Email: xpresscatering@gmail.com 

Wednesday Electives:
On Wednesdays our students will be provided a yearlong elective that will earn a .25 credit.  Students will register for their Wednesday elective during the first week of school in Advisory.

Financial Aid Process:
The process for applying for student activity and athletic financial aid will be via submission of a confidential financial aid request form.  The paperwork will be available with the registration materials.  The determination of financial aid allocation will be made based on the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines, the same criteria for the federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program.

Please note that we will be transitioning to our new school phone number:
503-262-4844 (the old number will forward to this new number)

Please review and submit forms of interest by visiting the PTC web page, we greatly appreciate your support!